Cross Country USA Magazine
P.O.Box 147
Kennedy, AL 35574
Phone: 205-596-4371
Fax: 205-596-4375
Office Hours
10am - 4pm Central
Monday - Friday
Press Releases / News Submissions
* Cross Country USA Magazine reserves the right to determine what items will be published.
(Items submitted may require verification.)
* Please submit all news items written clearly and grammatically correct.
* All items submitted should be copy ready. We do, however, reserve the right to edit for content, grammar and punctuation.
* All items must include a valid e-mail address, name of person submitting article, and phone number for verification
* Concert announcements and other advertisements will not be accepted as news items. Please contact our sales department for advertising rates and information.
* Please do not send document attachments (i.e. Word Documents or PDF files). All news items must be sent in the body of the e-mail or they will not be accepted.
* Photos accompanying news items may be sent as attachments with the e-mail if applicable.